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BI-OME® mattress protectors. The human body releases each night about ½ a litre of liquid in the form of perspiration. This highlights the importance of using mattress and pillow protectors to improve the protection of your bedding and increase its lifespan.

Anti-mite, Anti-bacterial, Anti-mold - Hypoallergenic BI-OME® permanent, non-harmful odour control technology guarantees an optimal freshness and hygiene for all kinds of textiles.

How it works! 1. Micro-organisms are attracted by the fabric coating. 2. Once in contact with the coating, their cell membrane is punctured. 3. This deactivates the micro-organism, preventing growth and proliferation.

• Prevents odour formation

• Eliminates all types of micro-organisms (bacteria, algae, fungi)

• Permanent & high wash-durability: functionality remains for the product lifetime

• Tested to both EU and US safety standards

All models – height 30cm

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